Thursday, November 30, 2006

lights, really bright lights

Monday night I had my first of the season ‘Oh my’ moments about Christmas lights. On one of my neighbor’s houses they have, in lights, a train with the wheels and steam moving, and Santa and his reindeer with Santa’s arm with a whip and the reindeer’s legs moving. It’s a lot of moving lights. Another neighbor has these snowflake lights that I think are supposed to look like they’re twinkling, but the blinking lights are blinking a little fast to look like light is shimmering off of the snowflakes.

Then last night I drove down my town’s Broad and Main streets…it was an experience. There are sections that are just very bright, and many blow up figures. I don’t really know what a light house has to do with any of the upcoming holidays, but okay.

I’ll be putting up my Christmas flag and getting a tree this weekend. And unless they peer in my windows, that’s pretty much all the holiday decorating the neighbors will see from me. I have lots of Christmas and winter decorations, but they are all for indoors. I may eventually get lights to line my roof, but I love the look of just a tree through the window. I can’t wait to get my tree. Part of me wants to leave work a little early Friday and get it, and that way it has all night to acclimate to the indoors before I decorate it.


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